When I write, my soul whispers the words and takes me into the realm of the Unknown. From there, I listen to the rhythm of the notes. In the silence between the notes, I find solace—a sanctuary where the Divine whispers its secrets and the essence of existence unfolds in reverent harmony. I sense a feeling of sacredness, with words yearning to express divinity bursting within me. Within the intricate web of life, every thread is interwoven, every moment pregnant with meaning. Amidst this cosmic symphony exists the Observer—a silent witness to the perfection that permeates all creation. It knows how all is perfect, beautiful, serene.

During times of hardship, I find it even more important to seek the beauty of life, regardless of how insignificant that beauty may seem. A rose that soon withers, a ladybug finding its way through the grass, or a ray of sunlight breaking through a dark sky, bringing promises of a new beginning. I breathe in the smell of the fading rose. I touch the thirsty grass with my bare hands—the same hands that can build a bench ( a simple one, of course;)), grow vegetables, pluck guitar strings, and playfully run across piano keys to create melodic compositions. These hands are tools of the Divine through which music manifests. Music is the language of my soul, speaking softly and offering only love. To understand it, I must master the art of allowing. I don't create music; I birth it through humble surrender to the Unknown.

Yet, the mental mind, bound by the shackles of its own limitations, struggles to comprehend the ineffable beauty of existence. It yearns to grasp, to dissect, to categorize—but in its relentless pursuit of understanding, it loses sight of the inherent serenity at the heart of all things. The Observer gently reminds me to trust the ebb and flow of the Universe, to relinquish inner resistance, and surrender to the ceaseless rhythm of life. In this sacred alignment with the flow, I discover my true strength, my true purpose—and in embracing both, I find my most potent source of action.

Perhaps the road to serenity appears when life seems most chaotic, as the pain can be so unbearable that finding my way back to serenity becomes essential for survival. Sharp like a knife, it can cut through the clutter; gently like a breeze, it can wash the sorrows away. Then comes the music, one note at a time, and the lyrics, one word at a time. Nothing else matters. I’ve found my way back to the Eternal One, whose embrace reminds me of this truth once again:

“Trust the flow of the Universe. Let go of your inner resistance. When you master both, you will find yourself in a place where limitations become your strength, peace becomes your source of action, and love is all that you manifest. Love is who you truly are.”

Wherever you are, know that you are loved and that you are, indeed, love itself.

Keep loving,
