Hello there,

It has indeed been quite some time since my last post here, and I must admit, I've been through quite a (hell) journey. The past six months have presented numerous challenges, leaving me feeling exhausted and demotivated. Between family obligations and grappling with some heavy personal healing, it's been a lot to navigate. Consequently, I decided to take a step back from music, recognizing that it was necessary for my well-being. Surprisingly, I found peace in this decision, especially since I hadn't put much effort into promoting this website or even informing my friends about it.

When I initially started this website a year ago, it was primarily an experiment. I needed time to discern whether it was the right direction for me to pursue with my music. So, when the "crisis" hit me last summer, I didn't feel guilty about not creating content for this site. Instead, I allowed myself the space to address the crisis and focus on my healing journey (which is still ongoing, by the way).

So, where do things stand now? Am I returning to music?

The answer is a resounding YES. And not just music— I'm emerging once again to create various forms of expression, including more writing about spirituality, creativity, and initiatives to contribute to a better world (check out my About page for updates). As a multi-passionate individual, it's challenging to confine myself to one label. Only time will reveal how I will expand and how I will utilize my voice, music, and writing to elevate the collective consciousness of which I am also a part.

In the future, I also plan to produce healing music. For now, I'll continue to share some demos I've created in the past, along with insights into my creative process and how it can support you on your journey. If what you've read and listened to on this site resonates with you, I invite you to subscribe and introduce yourself in the comment section :-). I would genuinely love to connect with you.

Until next week, keep creating and believing,

Elanor Zenna <3