Let me tell you my story and how my love for music began.

My parents used to tell me that I began to sing and perform in our living room at age 3, imitating one of the most famous singers at that time. So perhaps it's not exaggerated to claim that the seed of my destiny was ready to be planted then. When I was 5, I saw a performance of my favourite singer on television. She was singing, dancing and playing the violin. I loved her performance so much that I wanted to play the violin like her. So I begged my father to buy a violin for me, and even though my family’s financial situation at that time wasn’t the best as we were still living in a post-war country, surprisingly, he agreed. Was I a daddy’s girl? Yes, definitely!

I began to take violin lessons at 6, but after some time, I didn’t like it and wanted to quit. It wasn’t about the violin; it was more about me wanting to become like my idol. But my father didn’t allow me to quit. He encouraged me to continue and even “made” me practice for at least 15 minutes daily. I hated it. But today, I must confess that I’m still grateful that he didn’t let me give up on the violin. Anyway, I continued to take violin lessons, sing in a choir and dive deeper into the world of music.

Now let’s talk a bit about my mother. She has a beautiful voice and has always wanted to become a singer. However, she had to give up on her dream because of the marriage and the children, but her love for music has never left her. She told me that one day, it was raining, and she heard the most beautiful piano music while standing under a shelter in front of a house. It was the home of a piano teacher. So when she got home, she was determined to find the money to let my sister and me take the piano lessons. I was 10. And from there, I had 2 years of piano training before moving to another part of the city and, later, to a totally new foreign country: Denmark.

Performing only after six month's training, I was so nervous...

Growing up in Denmark during my teenage years was difficult due to cultural shock and differences, so music was my rescue. I continued to take violin training from the local music school while playing and performing in different orchestras and a quartet. My love for the violin has grown beyond words, and the instrument has become part of me. Even though I stopped playing in orchestras at the beginning of my 20s, I still considered the violin my main instrument. At that time, music had become my hobby, I still sang and performed occasionally but I had to devote my time and energy to my professional career. But whenever I had a chance to sit in front of a piano or have a violin in my hands, I always felt at home and could easily play new melodies that just came out of the heart. It wasn’t until I was 28 that my life took another course.

At that time, I lived and worked in the US for 18 months, and instead of having a television and watching movies at night, I devoted my spare time to music. I taught myself some basic guitar skills and began to write songs. It was a time where I seriously considered a career in music. But that dream didn’t live long. I thought I only had the traditional option in the music industry of getting signed by a record company. I didn’t feel that I was ready for “the game”. And the thought of becoming an indie musician was too far from my life circumstances, so it was an easy decision to let my music continue to be “my hobby”.

Fast forward to my mid-thirties, I began to write more songs and performed in local venues where I lived. In many ways, I was a "typical" singer/songwriter, writing, singing and performing with my guitar. However, when I performed in private settings a few times, I got great feedback about my music and how different it sounded from the mainstream. The way I sang was also different as it combined Western music with Eastern sound. Still, it wasn’t enough to motivate me to consider it a career choice, not until recently when I suddenly realized the purpose of my musical talent and gift.

Now let’s get to the core of my story:

I see everything that happens in my life as an opportunity to evolve spiritually, and when I grow, everything in my life shifts.

This also includes my musical ability, where my singing voice has altered over the years. I realized that I have a natural ability to sing in a way where my voice vibrates in an energy frequency that brings calmness and healing to the listeners. Born in the East and growing up in the West, my musical characteristics also reflect the contrasts and harmony of my upbringing.

So what is my music about?
It’s about Authenticity.
And using my gifts to bring out love, compassion, beauty, and joy in you and the world.

The journey has begun. I invite you to join me and together we'll rise in Light, Peace and Love :-).

With gratitude,
