Have you ever caught yourself humming a tune, only to realize it's that cheesy pop song you swore you'd never listen to again? Or stumbled upon a melody so cringe-worthy it's like nails on a chalkboard to your ears? Yep, it happens. Sometimes, my songs sound like that 😀. I've a recorder device filled with over 100 melodies/songs I've come up with over the years. Right now, I'm sifting through them all, trying to figure out what's worth keeping and what's best left forgotten. Honestly, many of them make me think, "How on earth did I come up with THAT?" It's so bad that it actually makes me laugh instead of feeling embarrassed that I created it. So, what will I do with my “bad” songs? Delete them all and move on?

Here's the thing I've learned about my songwriting journey: every “bad” song has the potential to become something great. It's like finding a rough diamond waiting to be polished or a lump of clay begging to be sculpted into a masterpiece. All it takes is a bit of imagination, a sprinkle of creativity, and a hefty dose of perseverance. Or sometimes, it's just luck—magic happens. Maybe one particular phrase leads me to a completely new song, or a strange chord sparks an idea for a different melody with a fresh beat. That's why I find it hard to let go of the “bad” ideas—what if it's a dud that can turn into a diamond?

Songwriting is a deeply personal journey, just like listening. What one person might consider a masterpiece, another might dismiss as rubbish. And that's okay. Because ultimately, it's not about pleasing everyone. For me, it's about expressing myself authentically and staying true to who I am. I've come to accept that what resonates with me might fall flat for you when you listen to it. As an artist, I've learned to embrace the fact that my art and music can suck! It sounds funny, but it's also a relief to know that I don’t always have to strive for perfection or cater to every listener's taste.

In essence, I find the lesson from my bad songs mirrors life experiences. Sometimes, a bad experience teaches us invaluable lessons, shaping us into who we are. But without those lessons, we wouldn't appreciate the good ones. Similarly, my good songs wouldn’t come into existence without my bad ones.

So here's to the bad songs, bad mistakes, and bad experiences—they all contribute to what makes us unique 🤗.

With love,


PS: And now I’m off to write even more bad songs! Hahaha.