Dear reader,

Welcome to my soulful, artistic and musical world!

I'm an artist and a writer. And it took me decades of personal and spiritual development before I can say so.

Over the years, I've tried many creative things. I started to sing when I was three years old, played the violin at six and later, I added more instruments to my list, such as piano and guitar. As a teen, I played classical concerts, and I wrote and performed my original songs in cafes, libraries, and weddings in my 20s and 30s. Every experience has given me so much, and I've grown tremendously as a musician and a performer. But the journey has not always been a blessing. There were challenges, and I gave up on music for some years, even though it had been my source of joy and happiness since early childhood. I actually thought that music could never be more than a hobby, but what if I was wrong?

I've learned that music was and is a constant in my life despite all the ups and downs. So is my writing. I began to write poems when I was around 10, and even though I never thought I could become a writer, I've always felt that writing can happen through me effortlessly. Through written words, I can connect with my soul in a more profound, comforting, and uplifting way. It, too, brings me joy, like music. And some of my poems have turned into songs, and I finally realise that my music and writing are not separated; they are part of the creative divine impulse that happens through me.

When I sit and play the piano, unknown melodies come for a visit regardless of my state of being. When I sing, I find myself humming notes that form a mystical vibration, almost like it tries to lift me to a higher frequency. Even when I'm silent, in my mind, I still hear melodies sometimes. And when I'm filled with emotions that I can't express verbally, writing is the only channel through which I can release the feelings and heal.

Perhaps with this awareness, I've come to understand that there is "something" indescribable, intangible, and highly mystical that wants to materialise through me in whatever form; it doesn't matter. It's all part of a journey; a song, a poem, even a tiny piece of art that I make with the brushes!

So here I am, again, intentionally re-designing my life so that I can prioritise time to create art, write books, compose and record music. It has taken me decades to emerge as a whole person and call myself an artist, but I trust that the timing is perfect now. And I hope to have you join me on the journey, and together we can experience something beautiful and magical, just as this life can be despite all the hardships and challenges we have in our lives.

So come back to the question: who am I as an artist? I don't fully know, really. It's a process of discovery, and only time will tell how my art, music and I, as a person, evolve.

I hope to have you join me on my musical and artistic journey and subscribe.

Again, welcome to my soulful world!

Much love,

Elanor Zenna