If you're new to this site, perhaps you don't know I've been living in Denmark since I was 13 years old. So it’s natural for me to write songs in Danish also, even though I don’t do it regularly any more. But today, I want to share with you a very special song of mine, called “Luk dine øjne”.

This song is special not only because it was actually the first song I wrote in Danish, but it’s more because of the event leading up to it. Back in 2013/14, I went to a concert with my niece and I “accidentally” stumbled upon an ad about a songwriter contest in my city. One had to submit a demo of an original song, and they’d have a band playing/performing it. I'm not typically interested in contests, but this one caught my attention because it provided an opportunity to hear my music played differently. I usually performed solo with my guitar, so I never heard my songs with a full band. So I wrote the song, made a demo, arranged the violin piece and performed the song with the band on the contest night.

Well, I didn’t win the contest ;) but it was an event that brought me together with other songwriters and we ended up creating a songwriter club! It was a wonderful experience as not only we were creating a community; we also arranged events and were invited to perform at different venues the following years. Being in the club taught me a lot about being an indie musician and gave me a chance to share my music with more people. Even though I'm not a part of it anymore, it's still something that means a lot to me and the lessons I learned from the experience are still useful today.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the song, despite it's in Danish;). I have the English (google ;)) translation below but I have to admit, it doesn't sound as poetic as it is in Danish ;).

Luk dine jne

Luk dine øjne/Close your eyes


Luk dine øjne nu og mærk efter dit hjertes banken/ Close your eyes now and feel your heartbeat
Luk dine øjne nu og følge med mig ind i mine tanker/ Close your eyes now and follow me into my thoughts
Inde i mig er der mere end du kan drømme om/ Inside me there is more than you can dream of
Hvis du giver dig hen og falder i mine arme/ If you give in and fall into my arms


Luk dine øjne nu og stole på kærlighedens tegn/ Close your eyes now and trust the signs of love
Luk dine øjne nu og lade livet vise dig vej/ Close your eyes now and let life show you the way
Intet kan måles sig med kærlighedens favne / Nothing compares to the embrace of love
Som er så smuk som regnbuens farver/ which is as beautiful as the colors of the rainbow
Luk dine øjne/close your eyes


Lad din angst flyve med vindens hånd/ Let your fear fly with the hand of the wind
Lad din smerte smelte i mørkets flamme / Let your pain melt in the flame of darkness
Luk dine øjne /close your eyes
Lad mig følge med dig hjem til hjertets kammer/ Let me follow you home to the chamber of the heart
Lad mig tage dig med til lysets stamme/ Let me take you to the tribe of light
Luk dine øjne/close your eyes


Luk dine øjne nu og lade mig kysse dine læber/ Close your eyes now and let me kiss your lips
Luk dine øjne nu og lad din hånd mærke mit hjerte/ Close your eyes now and let your hand feel my heart
Inde i mig er der lys som viser vejen/ Inside me there is light that shows the way
Vi hører sammen siger hjertets stemme / We belong together says the voice of the heart
Luk dine øjne / Close your eyes